(=゚ω゚)ノ〈旧:Stress-less guitar playing MP3 Storage

qvp47082707  録音はgalaxy s5でしています。そのうちノートパソコンでもいい曲に感じるように弾くのが目標です。ストラトとチューブアンプで弾いています。スマホからの録音だから倍音は消えていてペラペラサウンドです。


15 minutes warm-up

散歩しすぎて疲れた後のギター練習(´・ω・`)面倒くさい。Right hand is bad. no motivation.http://ww10.puny.jp/uploader/download/1461751376.MP3ninnin


All the sound of the guitar is a clean sound. It is playing variously thought while listening to the CD. Guitar practice 18 years, 5 years to practice in earnest. It's of course a professional is impossible.ディストーション難しいぽ ギター…


Uploader of Japan is safe.If you are a weak person bullying, you will get burned and misjudge the power of the people.弱い者イジメをする場合、相手の実力を見誤ると痛い目に遭うよ。集中攻撃にワクワクしだしたら まだ子供ぽ。:(


I can not score in the copy. Memorization is not possible.オワター(´・ω・`)


The MP3 virus does not incorporate.I do not make a computer virus, I can not only that PC is used. I do not know the computer virus. (・∀・)ニンニン